Báo cáo khoa học Pro con debate In patients who are potential candidates for organ donation after cardiac death starting medications and or interventions for the sole purpose of making the organs more viable is an acceptable practice quo

Báo cáo khoa học Pro con debate In patients who are potential candidates for organ donation after cardiac death starting medications and or interventions for the sole purpose of making the organs more viable is an acceptable practice quo

Tài liệu "Báo cáo khoa học Pro con debate In patients who are potential candidates for organ donation after cardiac death starting medications and or interventions for the sole purpose of making the organs more viable is an acceptable practice quo" có mã là 581817, file định dạng pdf, có 4 trang, dung lượng file 42 kb. Tài liệu thuộc chuyên mục: Tài liệu chuyên ngành > Kỹ Thuật Công Nghệ > Y Khoa. Tài liệu thuộc loại Đồng

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