Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2018 - 2019 số 5

  • Read the passage about some future predictions and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
    Dr Pearson, a futurologist believes in 2045 buildings will be made from concrete plastics and shape-changing materials that can heal themselves and the builders will have super- strength skeletons  creating half-man, half-machine workers. There will be a need for new kinds of elevators using magnetic systems.
    By mid-century, buildings will be miles tall and some may be so large that their capacity enables them to function as small cities in their own right. As these buildings rise through the clouds, windows will be replaced by reality virtual screens so people can choose any view they like.
    However, lack of exposure to pathogens will cause more allergies. Due to health concerns, scents, candles, incense are also likely to be more strongly regulated, added Dr Pearson.
    1. When does Dr Pearson make these predictions?
  • 2
    What can future buildings do?
  • 3
    What is TRUE about future buildings?
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