Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 7 môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2018 - 2019 số 7

  • Read the passage and answer each question. Circle A, B, or C.
    The Shichi-go-san Festival
    Shichi-go-san is a Japanese festival. The Japanese celebrate it on 15 November every year. This is because people believe it is a day of good luck for all Japanese people.
    Shichi-go-san means “seven-five-three” and the festival is for children who are seven, five and three. The Japanese think these ages are very important years. Japanese parents celebrate Shichi-go-san as their boys turn three and five and their girls turn three and seven.
    At the age of seven, a girl wears obi - the piece of cloth worn round the waist over the kimono - for the first time. At the age of five, a boy wears his first hakama pants – the pants that Samurai wore in the past - in public. The age of three is important for the Japanese too.They think it is time children can let their hair grow. On this day, children often dress up like the adults in the ancient times and pretend to be grown up themselves.

    1. Who will probably celebrate the Shichi-go-san Festival?
  • 2
    Who will NOT celebrate the Shichi-go-san Festival?
  • 3
    Who wears obi for the first time?
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