Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Tiếng Anh năm học 2018 - 2019 số 3

  • Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
    Most of us think that great ideas were the result of genius thinking. However, many of the greatest discoveries and inventions in history began with very simple beginnings. In the 18th century, James Watt was boiling water at home. As the water began to boil, he suddenly noticed that the steam was pushing the lid of the kettle. From this, he created the steam engine.
    In ancient Greece time, Archimedes stepped into a bath tub and felt that water was being pushed out when he stepped in. This is how he came up with the idea of how to find the purity of gold.
    In the 17th century, Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell and hit him on the head. This is when he realized the pulling force of the earth - the gravity.
    There are many other examples of how great ideas began with simple beginnings. What one needs to become an inventor are careful observation and a lot of hard work.

    1. James Watt lived in ______.
  • 2
    Archimedes came up with the idea of how to find purity gold when ______.
  • 3
    Many great ideas began with ______.
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