Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh

Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh do Kho Tri Thức Số biên soạn và đăng tải nhằm hỗ trợ học sinh củng cố kiến thức môn tiếng Anh đã được học và làm quen cấu trúc đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9.

  • I. Read the passage and answer the following questions
    Vietnam's New Year is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. The Lunar New Year begins between January the twenty-first and February the nineteen. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. On the New Year's Eve, people sit up to midnight as they want to see New Year in. Then, they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts for ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. They make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible.

    1. Is Vietnam's New Year known as Tet Nguyen Dan?
  • 2
    When does the Lunar New Year begin?
  • 3
    Why do people sit up to midnight?
  • 4
    How long does Tet last?
  • 5
    What do people try to avoid on the first three days?
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