Đề thi trung học phổ thông quốc gia năm 2015 môn tiếng Anh

Các bạn hãy thử sức với đề thi trung học phổ thông quốc gia năm 2015 môn tiếng Anh sau đây để trải nghiệm và chuẩn bị tinh thần cho kì thi sắp tới. Luyện tập làm càng nhiều đề, bạn càng có nhiều kỹ năng làm bài và trau dồi được vốn kiến thức tiếng Anh của mình.

  • Question 3:
  • Question 4:
  • Question 5:
  • Question 6: The receptionist, ______ answered the phone, told me that the director was out.
  • Question 7: Changes have been made in our primary schooling program. As a result, young children ______ do homework any more.
  • Question 8: ______ the salesman promised to exchange the defective CD player for a new one, they insisted on getting a refund.
  • Question 9: The headmaster has decided that three lecture halls ______ in our school next semester.
  • Question 10: Although MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) spreads through close contact with sick people, not through the air, many people still avoid ______ to crowded places.
  • Question 11: Students will not be allowed into the exam room if they ______ their student cards.
  • Question 12: A large number of inventions and discoveries have been made ______ accident.
  • Question 13: When asked about their preference for movies, many young people say that they are in favour ______ science fiction.
  • Question 14: A molecule of water is ______ of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
  • Question 15: Jane really loves the ______ jewelry box that her parents gave her as a birthday present.
Lưu ý: Đăng nhập để có thể xem toàn bộ câu hỏi.

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