Trắc nghiệm Reading tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 9 English In The World

Trắc nghiệm Reading tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 9 English In The World gồm các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 9, giúp học sinh củng cố kiến thức nâng cao kết quả học chương trình lớp 9.

Bài tập Unit 9 tiếng Anh lớp 9 gồm 2 bài đọc hiểu đoạn văn tiếng Anh khác nhau thuộc chủ đề Unit 9 English In The World giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 tích lũy Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh thường gặp thuộc chủ đề hiệu quả.

  • Bài 1. Read the text and decide T (true)/ F (false) for each statement.


    Find native English speakers

    In certain areas it’s the hardest thing to do, but it’s the best use of your time. Talking to actual native speakers is the most effective way to improve your English skills, speaking or otherwise. So whether you have to Skype them, call them, or beg them to speak to you, do so. Your progress will be faster this way than any other.

    Listen to the music of English

    No, not English music, the music of English - its lilt, its prosody, the sing-songy-ness of it. The intonation. Even if you speak perfect English technically, if you speak it like a robot you’re not speaking it the way it’s meant to be spoken.

    Slow down

    Above all, if you want to be understood, slow down. The more clearly you speak, the better chance your listener has of understanding you. It’s tempting to get nervous and want to speed up to get it all over with, but you can’t do that! Clarity is key - for some native English speakers, too!

    Record yourself

    Though we hear ourselves all the time, we really don’t know quite what we sound like. So record yourself! What are the weak and strong points you hear in your speech? And then you can concentrate on what you need to work on.

    Speak English at home

    This is the biggest, easiest mistake to make. You go about your day, you’re on the job working partly in English, you go to your English class, and then you go home and revert back to your native tongue. While you may be making slow improvements, you’ll never get past that dreaded lingual plateau. Make a point to speak it at home, too. Have only English at the dinner table. Stick to English TV at home. Make it as 24/7 as possible.

    Question 1: Talking to actual native speakers is the least effective way to improve your English skills

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